Sunday, April 12, 2009

My other babies!

Yes, Keith teases me about my other babies: my plants. I have seedlings that I have been trying to grow into "real" plants for my vegetable garden this summer. This is the biggest I have ever gotten them to grow. I haven't figured out what to do with them when we leave for vacation. It's still too unpredictable here to know what kind of cold weather might roll in if I plant them outside, and I have not heard of plant sitters or people taking them on planes while trying to entertain a 1 1/2 year old. So if they survive, we might just have some yummy tomatoes, cabbage, artichokes, bell peppers, eggplants (haven't seen those come up yet though)... The rest of the seeds (zucchini, summer squash, corn, spinach, onions) just get planted outside. They don't have to be babied. This gardening stuff is kind of addicting! You should try it! (And if you already have, any advice?)


We had a simple holiday, church, a nice dinner and a little Easter egg hunt in the beautiful sunshine for Lizzy. It was a lot of fun! Wish you stopped by, we had plenty of ham!

I didn't think Lizzy would be ready for an Easter egg hunt but she surprised me when we went to one for her playgroup last Thursday. She knew exactly what to do right away, that is until the other kids became so fascinating to watch.

There is also a great video at the following link that helped remind me of why we really celebrate Easter:

Visit to the mines!

Keith was able to take a trip to Elko Nevada two weeks ago for work to tour one of the company's mine sites. I think he took a whole books worth of pictures, but here are a few in case you ever wondered what a gold mine looks like.
I know that there was lots of water in the mines and that it got hotter the lower they went. I am not sure what they are holding, but am hoping to get an explanation once this blocks classes and his international business trip for the MBA program is over.
By the way, he was unfortunately not able to bring home any samples... ;0)

Already learning to play instruments?

Amazing, I know! And all big stars make a statement with their hair right? Hers is "Mommy already did my hair twice today!" I thought it was cute and thought I would share.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Outdoor Fun!

The weather is starting to get nice here and then it snows again, and then the sun shines through...and then it snows again. So we try to take advantage of all the nice weather when we can. Here are some shots of Lizzy playing outside and just having fun at Keith's sisters house. Keith has recently been enthusiastically volunteering to be family photographer and I think he is getting pretty good (a constantly moving target helps hime get lots of practice).Our little boo!! What can we say, except that we love her!